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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Safeguarding Your Valuables from Storm Damage

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

Storms can wreak havoc on your home, causing significant damage to your property and belongings. While it's essential to prepare your home for storms and take preventive measures, safeguarding your valuables is equally important. In this blog, we'll explore effective ways to protect your valuables from storm damage, ensuring that your most prized possessions remain safe and secure.

Create a Home Inventory

Before a storm strikes, it's crucial to create a detailed home inventory of all your valuables. This inventory should include items such as jewelry, important documents, electronics, artwork, and sentimental items. Documenting your possessions will not only help you assess potential damage post-storm but also assist you in filing insurance claims if needed.

Consider taking photographs or videos of your valuables and storing them in a safe place or digitally in the cloud. Having a comprehensive inventory will enable you to account for all your belongings and streamline the restoration process in case of storm damage.

Invest in Waterproof Containers

Water damage is a common consequence of storms, particularly flooding. To protect your valuables from water damage, invest in waterproof containers or safes. Store important documents, jewelry, and other valuables in these containers to shield them from water infiltration during a storm.

Place the containers in elevated areas of your home to minimize the risk of water exposure. Additionally, consider storing digital copies of important documents on a secure external hard drive or a cloud storage platform for added protection.

Secure Valuables in a Safe

For valuable items such as jewelry, cash, and important documents, consider storing them in a fireproof and waterproof safe. Safes offer an additional layer of protection against storm damage, theft, and fire hazards. Opt for a safe with a high fire and water resistance rating to ensure maximum protection for your valuables.

Place the safe in a secure and easily accessible location within your home, such as a closet or basement. Remember to regularly update the contents of the safe and maintain the safe's security features for enhanced protection.

Utilize Shelving and Storage Solutions

Organizing and storing your valuables on high shelves or elevated platforms can prevent water damage during a storm. Utilize sturdy shelves, cabinets, or storage solutions to keep your valuables off the ground and out of harm's way.

Install shelving units in your home office, garage, or storage areas to store items such as electronics, collectibles, and sentimental objects. By elevating your valuables, you reduce the risk of water exposure and potential damage during a storm.

Consider Off-Site Storage

In preparation for severe storms, consider storing your valuables in an off-site storage facility. Renting a storage unit or utilizing a safe deposit box at a bank can safeguard your valuables from home damage caused by storms.

Transfer items of high value, sentimental significance, or irreplaceable nature to an off-site location for safekeeping. Ensure that the storage facility is secure, climate-controlled, and equipped to protect your belongings from storm damage.


Protecting your valuables from storm damage is essential in safeguarding your most cherished possessions and assets. By creating a home inventory, investing in waterproof containers, securing valuables in a safe, utilizing shelving solutions, and considering off-site storage options, you can mitigate the risk of damage during a storm.

In the unfortunate event of storm damage, contact SERVPRO® for professional storm damage recovery and restoration services. Our experienced team is equipped to handle the restoration of your home and belongings with efficiency and care, ensuring that your property is restored to its pre-storm condition.

Prioritize the protection of your valuables and take proactive measures to safeguard them from storm damage. By implementing these strategies, you can minimize the impact of storms on your most treasured possessions and maintain peace of mind during inclement weather.

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